Penceramah: YBhg. Dato' Kamaruddin Zakaria
Masa: Selepas Solat Maghrib
Penceramah: YBhg. Dato' Ismail Kamus
my blog - my life - dilambatkan dengan cepat dari pagi hingga ke paginya. i compose, i edit, i publish and i share my own story.
Calling all Secretaries!!! --- why don't join us rafting for this 2009 Secretaries' Week. Surely Bosses don't mind if you wish to celebrate it a little bit different. Boring kan asyik-asyik dinner/luncheon.
You (Secretary): Boss, this year we want to go outdoors! Can we raft at Sungai Selangor with Brader Izni dan Taj...
Boss: Are you really sure?
You: Yeah!!! OK tak bos?
Boss: OK, how much?
You: RM338 per person. A one in a lifetime experience, boss!
Boss: OK, alrite! But, can i join you all...
You: (nyampah betul bos ni...nyibuk tak sudah...) <<<--- Sekretari jangan lah cakap macam ni pulak, in fact, kalau bos nak join pun dialu-alukan...
Date: 11, 18 & 25 April 2009 (choose/set a date)
Venue: Sungai Selangor/Selangor Dam (Grade 4)
Fee: RM338/person (including transport, BBQ lunch, insurance, goodie bag, river snacks, souvenir for "Dare-Devil" Secretaries, "Secretaries-in-action" photos)
Interested, call us: Bro.Izni HP:019-3849691 OR email me
Visit also and here
Gambar pertandingan Curling
Carpet cleaners’ empty office of laptops By TEOH EL SEN March 12, 2009
THREE men cleaned up an office in Kelana Jaya of eight laptops during lunch hour last Friday, after conning their way in as carpet cleaners.
A source told Malay Mail that the three, whose actions were later seen on CCTV footage (see sequence pictures), simply walked into the office building in Plaza Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya, and stayed for more than two hours before making their move.
“They introduced themselves at the office building as carpet cleaners hired by the boss. A receptionist called the human resource unit to get confirmation but was told otherwise.
“She then asked them to leave.
However, after that, they went down to another floor of the same office and told the staff there thatHR had sent them to clean the carpets,” said the source.
This time they managed to gain entry.
The three later cleaned the carpets until lunchtime when all the employees left, except for one.
The thieves then told the last worker that the cleansing chemical smelt bad and requested the employee to leave the room accompanied by one of the accomplices.
Moving quickly, the other two then took all eight laptops in five minutes.
According to sources, on the same day, another commercial building in PJ was hit in the same manner, with five laptops among other valuable items stolen from the office.
Petaling Jaya district police chief ACP Arjunaidi Mohamed said there had been several similar cases in the district and police had made arrests before.
It is understood that areas in Subang, Petaling Jaya and Kelana Jaya have been hit by the same gang or one with a similar modus operandi.
On Feb 14, China Press reported that three men, believed to be from the same gang, had gone into an office in Subang, claiming to be there to repair the airconditioner.
They convinced the employees to leave the office, saying the air-con was releasing poisonous gas, and stole seven laptops.
Hanif & cousins tengah test walkie-talkie, makan di Kedai Mamak sebelah Kedai Yik Mun, Tanjung Malim.